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Jul 2023 28 Jul 28, 2023

Synopsis article from my book Freedom Realized...Read More

Jun 2023 1 Jun 1, 2023

The Prophecy of Pride article written by Stephen Black, is revealing how the so-called "rainbow banner" is the pride banner which is a cursed banner revealing the spirit of this age of destructive sexual perversion in pride which is bringing destruction. Time is short!...Read More

Aug 2020 1 Aug 1, 2020

I am deeply concerned at the lack of personal love and devotion towards Jesus Christ, and the lack of desire for the Word of God and devotion towards The Church of Jesus Christ. Prayer and witnessing because of the Joy of Salvation is missing with many. Fear and immorality are made normal in our day, and we are experiencing a great falling away of the once believers....Read More

Jul 2020 3 Jul 3, 2020

The Six "Supremes" - The Black-robed 'gods' of the United States try to legislate from their unholy bench making LGBTQ+ behaviors equal to race and sex/gender. The tragic ruling -- Bostick vs. Clayton County -- June 15, 2020...Read More

Aug 2019 11 Aug 11, 2019
Jun 2019 2 Jun 2, 2019

Southwest Prophecy Ministries' President, Dr. David Schnittger Interviews Stephen Black, Executive Director of First Stone Ministries about Freedom Realized and the continued corruption of LGBTQ+ chaos infiltrating the Church....Read More

Apr 2019 14 Apr 14, 2019

The Gone Too Far Press Conference Videos from the Press Club Press Conference, February 6, 2019 in Washington, DC ...Read More

Feb 2019 17 Feb 17, 2019

Is Oklahoma Ready to Ban Counseling and Therapy for Sexually Confused Youth? Oklahoma HB2456 by Rep. Jason Dunnington, who is being used by the LGBTQ community to further their obvious goal of recruitment of binding children into LGBTQ+ chaos. People who have common sense can see this goal. The goal has always been recruitment and the normalization of homosexuality. Laws banning therapy and counseling for youth are clear, they demand that sexually confused children to e...Read More

Nov 2018 5 Nov 5, 2018

The student organizations: Valid Worldview, S.A.F.E - Student Alliance for Equality, and UCO- The Center - Women's Research Center BGLTQ+ Student Center invited: Trey Witzel, Associate Pastor, First UMC of Edmond, and Kris Williams with Q Space LGBTQ+ Facilitator, NorthCare, VS. Dr. Robert A.J. Gagnon, Professor of The New Testament, Houston Baptist University, author of "The Bible and Homosexual Practice (Abingdon Press) and Stephen Black, Executive Director, First...Read More

Oct 2018 30 Oct 30, 2018

I like Camilla Paglia's statement: "Homosexuality is not normal. On the contrary, it is a challenge to the norm. Nature exists whether academics like it or not. And in nature, procreation is the single relentless rule. That is the norm. Our sexual bodies were designed for reproduction (by God, I would add). No one is born gay. The idea is ridiculous. Homosexuality is an adaptation, not an inborn trait."...Read More

Sep 2018 24 Sep 24, 2018

Stephen Black publicly repenting from communicatiing a statement that leads to dumbing-down the real goal of holiness....Read More

Aug 2018 31 Aug 31, 2018

Author and Culture Warrior Bill Muehlenberg exposes the evidence of cultural decline, the erosion of values, the decline of civility, the denial of truth and the elevation of unreason. He is devoted to exploring the major cultural, social and political issues of the day. His books offer reflection and commentary drawing upon the wealth of wisdom found in the Judeo-Christian tradition in addressing several areas of corruption in our culture. Bill offers reflective and inc...Read More

Jul 2018 22 Jul 22, 2018

I wanted to give some insight to the “Different Kind of Missionary” found in those who give of their lives for Jesus in an “ex-gay” ministry. I want you to really think about what the ministers in “ex-gay” ministry are facing in this day as a very different kind of mission! First Stone Ministries, along with 40 ministries like ours, and several counseling agencies within the Restored Hope Network, are laboring together in helping individuals, churches, famili...Read More

Mar 2018 23 Mar 23, 2018

Reminded of the prophecy concerning Art Katz. He gave a warning in 1980 about Exodus International. A really good reminder that God is sovereign and HE KNOWS!...Read More

Jan 2018 26 Jan 26, 2018

Stephen Black was interviewed on the Arthelene Rippy Home Keepers Program on January 5, 2018 in Tampa, FL. The two segments were aired on January 23 and 24, 2018. The interviews are about "Freedom Realized - Finding Freedom From Homosexuality & Living A Life Free From Lables."...Read More

Dec 2017 6 Dec 6, 2017

Stephen Black presented at the Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) Banquet and Teach-In....Read More

Oct 2017 28 Oct 28, 2017

Peter LaBarbera interviews Stephen Black on his new book, Freedom Realized, Finding Freedom From Homosexuality And Living A Life Free From Labels...Read More

Oct 2017 10 Oct 10, 2017

“Freedom Realized! -- Freedom from Homosexuality & Living A Life Free from Labels” A passionate and convicting book that gives clear evidence that people, in fact, find lasting freedom from homosexuality and freedom from a life defined by “gay” identity fallacies. This book is needed by church members and leadership as arsenal in their battle for truth in this day of “hip-hop gospel relativism” of people dumbing down the po...Read More

Aug 2017 25 Aug 25, 2017

A Biblical answer to what St. Paul would say to the American Church Embracing So-called “Gay Christianity” and “Spiritual Friendships” in our day. “Gay Christianity” is being promoted at an alarming rate in several places in the Church worldwide....Read More

Aug 2017 24 Aug 24, 2017

Radio Interview and Article on so-called "Gay Christianity" infiltrating the Church. Janet Mefferd interview airing August 24, 2017, and the article content address a critique on "Single Gay Christian" book by Gregory Coles....Read More

Aug 2017 6 Aug 6, 2017

First Stone Ministries' Staff traveled by SUV across the Southwestern part of the USA to San Diego, CA to participate in the Restored Hope Network Conference. This is an update about our adventure there and back....Read More

Feb 2017 24 Feb 24, 2017

(Originally from Watchword #26) A true revival is preeminently the work of the Holy Spirit, and the depth and magnitude of the work depends largely on the number of people who are in perfect union with the Holy Spirit. In times of revival all spiritual forces come to a crisis, both good and bad. Satan is on hand to muster all his children against a thorough work of grace. He will also be busy in society, devising all sorts of social matters against revival. He will in...Read More

Dec 2016 28 Dec 28, 2016

Yesterday I officiated a Memorial Service for Lezlie Brown. I've known Lezlie for many years.  My dear friend had been in a long battle with Multiple Myeloma Leukemia, Lezlie's obituary can be read here.  As a part of the service in "Remembering Our Dear Friend Lezlie" and spoke on Heaven.  Several people made comments after the service and wanted to know more.  I made the following video and I also have a dedicated page on Heaven here.  The vers...Read More

Dec 2016 18 Dec 18, 2016

        There is one way you can tell a sheep from a wolf in the Church. How do you discern sheep and wolves? Sheep are always feasting on the word of God, always desiring to please the Shepherd. Guess what wolves eat? They eat sheep and attack shepherds. Do you find yourself always attacking other devout Christians, making fun of the Church and attacking pastors that teach the Word of God and holiness? Do you call pastors who emphasize obedienc...Read More

Dec 2016 17 Dec 17, 2016

You might be under a perverse-hyper-grace teacher if you hear these things being taught in your church or community. This is very important as it is a segue to the promotion of “gay Christianity.” I write today with the deepest of sorrow and concern for what I’ve seen taking place in the Church concerning the embracing of “gay Christianity.” I have taken some inventory of the causes, and made a list of cautions below. The main cause is poo...Read More

Oct 2016 5 Oct 5, 2016

- A Christian Paradigm Shift on Suffering – For the Mature In God - ONLY IN THIS LIFE can we give a real sacrifice of worship and praise... and the more difficult or complex the trial, the sweeter the offering to God can be -- IF -- you will worship the LORD in the midst of great suffering, being fully surrendered in obedience to Him. When the suffering is the greatest, especially in something like the unexpected death of an adult child (our Charity Ho...Read More

Sep 2016 28 Sep 28, 2016

Looking forward to sharing my part in this conference giving a Biblical response with clarity, compassion, love and truth about so-called "gay-Christianity."   I am personally honored to be sharing with this great team, especially my friend Dr. Michael Brown. Please share the link for the details on the conference...Read More

Aug 2016 20 Aug 20, 2016

   Scandalous Good News by Andrew Comiskey A Forward by Stephen Black:   I am always on the hunt to find messages that will really prophetically rivet my soul to its core. I have recently been touched by two messages that seem to be bookends to what is relevant in our day. I am always looking for messages that will speak in context to the ministry we provide at First Stone Ministries; as we want to be a source of life-giving ministry and hope to the ...Read More

Aug 2016 12 Aug 12, 2016

Which do you choose? Pusski or Aslan? Stats say that 70% of church-going men are viewing porn on a weekly basis; they are covered up in shame and darkness! Most men in the Church today are like "Pusski" – the domesticated couch cat, pictured here. Please pray with me! Let's pray for the men, our brothers in the Church, to be like Aslan - A Lion - like Jesus who is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. One unfortunate problem I've continued to run into (especially amon...Read More

Jun 2016 17 Jun 17, 2016

Thinking about what a book cover design might look like in preparing for the Restored Hope Network Annual Conference. I went through the first 10 years of data (1989-1999) last night that I have received back from our survey results, statistics that will ultimately be in my book. I am preparing for my conference breakout, and I am very excited about the initial findings. The results are FULL OF HOPE! This is so important since the implosion of Exodus and it's failed lead...Read More

Apr 2016 27 Apr 27, 2016

I attended a funeral today.  Very difficult funeral, as it was an untimely death of a young man only 25 years old.  Joseph William Clarkson, July 7, 1990 -- April 24, 2016.  This young man is the son of Kevin and Cherie Clarkson, Pastors of First Baptist Church of Moore, OK.   Cherie's brother, Pastor Tim Salter's gave a closing message today.  He talked about grief using the story from John's Gospel about Lazarus, from chapter 11.   He sh...Read More

Mar 2016 4 Mar 4, 2016

I have the honor to speak again at this year's Men's Rewired Conference.  This year's conference is divided up into "Truth Tracks."  My Truth Track is:  Becoming Men of Truth and Integrity in God’s Divine Intent for Sexuality.  This truth track will encourage men to embrace God’s divine intent for their sexuality. The goal will be to embrace the Father’s truth and to be equipped with practical Biblical steps for freedom where one w...Read More

Jan 2016 1 Jan 1, 2016

Happy New Year! We have now entered into 2016 in the Central Time Zone of the United States! I have a New Year blessing for you!  May we all find Jesus more dear to us than all of other years! May we find the Holy Word of God more intriguing than any worldly entertainment. May we find Jesus Christ as our the true source of enjoyment in life.  May we all find more fulfilled lives living for others, as we are truly eternally conscience -- that our lives are a ...Read More

Dec 2015 23 Dec 23, 2015

Read Colossians Chapter 3 Seek the things above! Set your mind on things above! Set your mind on Heaven, where Jesus rules and reigns! Put to death your members, the desires of your flesh body (be a doer) – put to death fornication (living together and having sexual relations outside of marriage), put to death uncleanness,  put to death evil lusts and passions, covetousness and idolatry!  Putting to death requires doing! To be a doer of God's wo...Read More

Dec 2015 10 Dec 10, 2015

Years ago I attended a seminar conducted by Milton Green.  The seminar was three to four days of Scripture reading, Bible study, worship and prayer.  The seminar brought abundant freedom to thousands of people, mainly in the Southern Baptist Church during the "Fullness Movement."  It was a wonderful time to be alive.   There was a proclamation of truth through the scripture and praying that Milton would have the entire audience repeat.  I have po...Read More

Oct 2015 31 Oct 31, 2015

My actual cup of coffee today This cup represents a very peaceful quiet morning being present to the Lord – I'm enjoying The Lord, thoroughly loving His presence in the word and in the Holy Spirit today.  When I woke this morning the Holy Spirit reminded me of being present to Him as of the utmost important ‘one thing’ so that I (we) might be present to others in His power. So beloved, what gift of the Lord are you to others? What presence ...Read More

Aug 2015 8 Aug 8, 2015

With all the chatter about Trump and the other candidates for President, I sincerely hope you will consider a person's moral compass for electability. "If GOP leadership doesn't understand the basics in Genesis of Imago Dei and human sexuality, they don't get my support as it is depraved to believe homosexuality is acceptable behavior. Used to be the abortion issue that was politically incorrect, however now homosexuality becomes a litmus test of dividing between cons...Read More

Jun 2015 18 Jun 18, 2015

The Plain and Simple Truth about Attending a “Gay Wedding” —  I am hearing of this more and more—that a Christian has been invited to attend a “wedding” between two men or two women. It is usually from a relative, a close friend, or perhaps their own child. A Christian who is faced with a decision whether to attend or not, processes through many questions with heart-ache.  There is always the desire to be loving and kind t...Read More

Mar 2015 8 Mar 8, 2015

Yes, I said it! I’ll say it again, “It is child abuse to withhold counseling, therapy and pastoral care from a child or teenager struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction or homosexual behavior when he or she desires change and is seeking help! It is tragic to withhold or prevent counseling from a sexually abused child confused in his or her teenage years when they are seeking help to overcome their unwanted same-sex attraction.” This is what...Read More

Feb 2015 27 Feb 27, 2015

From Homosexuality to Holiness - Stephen Black from Pure Passion on Vimeo....Read More

Jan 2015 26 Jan 26, 2015

Often people of varied church affiliations use the same terminology, but may mean something totally different by their terms. Multitudes around the world say they are "Born Again" and yet their life-style demonstrates that their definition is one contrary to biblical teaching. I write this today, with the deepest concern for those who walk in bondage to sin. Jesus said "unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God" [John 3:3] and "most assuredly, I say to y...Read More

Jan 2015 21 Jan 21, 2015

This message (on an "Overview of Homosexuality") was shared with the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma's SKOPOS - Tightrope Session in 2014. Joseph Thiessen, FSM Office Administrator also shares his testimony....Read More

Jan 2015 12 Jan 12, 2015

John Wesley lived in the 1700's, and was perhaps England's most famous evangelist and preacher. His writings, preaching, and life ministry have made a tremendous impact on the Church as a whole. This article was taken from "The Complete Works of John Wesley," published by Baker Book House. As our brother John urged, read this message with a prayerful, open heart. "If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me." - Luk...Read More

Dec 2014 16 Dec 16, 2014

I was recently reminded of the importance of the ministry and it's mission were I serve  in this beautiful music video called, “A Hallelujah Christmas.”   The Gospel of Jesus Christ changes lives, this is the “Hallelujah” for us at Christmas! A Hallelujah Christmas - Cloverton Music Video Unfortunately there is a fervent shift to pervert the Gospel and grace of God to include the message of “gay Christianity” from many sou...Read More

Sep 2014 23 Sep 23, 2014

Here are three video stories of Hope from the First Stone Ministries' staff.  The first one is from Laura Leigh Stanlake who was interviewed for Dennis Jernigan's Sing Over Me documentary. They did not use it in the documentary, but released Laura's story as a bonus feature.  The second video here is also Laura Leigh giving her testimony at the 2013 National Restored Hope Network Conference in Oklahoma City.  Laura Leigh is the Director of Women's Min...Read More

Jul 2014 30 Jul 30, 2014

by Stephen Black (2010) Apostle Peter warned us that scoffers and mockers would come on the scene with louder and louder voices in the last days. Ruled by their own fleshly desires, appetites and se­duced by demonic powers, Peter warned that the scoffers and mockers would raise a ruckus against those who desire to live godly, leaving behind their true devotion to God’s word for lifestyles of sin and pleasure. “Where is the promise of Jesus’ deliver...Read More

Jul 2014 30 Jul 30, 2014

Do Not Marvel, Nor Be Dismayed Brothers and Sisters!  Jesus Warned Us, and So Did the Apostle Paul.  Many will fall away from the faith in the last days. Jesus reminded us and said:  Be careful that no one misleads you, deceiving you and leading you into error.  (Especially the idea of gay Christianity).  For many will come in, they will look just like sheep.  They will come-in on the strength of My name, appropriating the name which belo...Read More

Jul 2014 27 Jul 27, 2014

I attended the Reclaim America for Christ Conference this past weekend in Moore, OK. There was a fantastic line up of speakers proclaiming truth about our needs as a nation. One speaker was Frank Turek with Cross Examined.  He presented a very logical and common sense approach to presenting truth.  One particular session was on the debate of Natural Marriage VS. Same-sex Marriage.  It was excellent.  The videos and audios will be available on the Recl...Read More

Jun 2014 20 Jun 20, 2014

I had the honor in May of 2013 to share my testimony of freedom from homosexuality at Redeemer Church in Utica, NY, May 5, 2013.  The community of believers there are terrific.  I enjoyed sharing the word of God, the word of my testimony as a sincere truth-filled story of God's grace. A message where He really does change souls by His transforming grace.  My soul has been forever changed since 1983.  I am truly delivered from the trap of homosexu...Read More

Jun 2014 7 Jun 7, 2014

A Clarion Call for Genuine Salvation and Biblical Hope; Not Compromise! ___________________________________________________________________________ Church Leaders, Please Truly Love the Same-Sex Attracted Person “He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8. God commands us to love one another, yet only through the divine influ...Read More

May 2014 28 May 28, 2014

...Read More

May 2014 10 May 10, 2014

There are very few men who are as thorough and scholarly on the subject of the Bible and homosexuality.  Dr. Robert Gagnon, Associate Professor of the New Testament at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary is one such scholar.  Based upon Dr. Gagnon's fantastic work,  The Bible and Homosexual Practice: Texts and Hermeneutics, an excellent video presentation is presented here to give clear answers from the Bible texts and Bible hermeneutics.  This presentati...Read More

May 2014 10 May 10, 2014

Enjoy these thorough and scholarly videos on the subject of the Bible and homosexuality. Dr. Robert Gagnon, Associate Professor of the New Testament at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary gives an amazing presentation at Skyline Church in San Deigo, CA. Based upon Dr. Gagnon's fantastic work, "The Bible and Homosexual Practice: Texts and Hermeneutics", this excellent video presentation is presented here to give clear answers from the Bible texts and Bible hermeneutics....Read More

Apr 2014 13 Apr 13, 2014

  Freedom Realized Message shared at Presence Church click here and listen now. I really appreciate the community of believers at Presence Church (on Facebook) for their love, support and hospitality. If you are in Carrollton, Texas area you should visit this body of believers....Read More

Mar 2014 31 Mar 31, 2014
Jan 2014 20 Jan 20, 2014

I highly recommend the “God of Wonders”; it is by far the best documentary I've watched concerning the creation from a Biblical world-view.  The detailed graphics in video production are as good as anything produced by PBS or National Geographic.  Yes!  It really is great!  Although I would recommend you make the purchase of the DVD here, you can actually watch the video on their website by chapters; and now you can watch it on YouTube.&nb...Read More

May 2013 15 May 15, 2013

Failed Former Exodus President is Morphing into a Gay Activist This must be the most grievous thing I've ever written in exposing one of the most dangerous things I've ever witnessed from a so-called Christian.  Unfortunately, there are critics, mainly those who are afraid and passive, who believe it is unnecessary or even unkind to expose or talk about the tragic morphing of Alan Chambers into a gay-identified "Christian" and his influence of leading peo...Read More

Mar 2013 2 Mar 2, 2013

2011 and last year, 2012 were very difficult years in my life.  Filled with great pain! My wife and I endured the most painful thing one can endure, the death of an adult child. Our Charity Hope went to be with Jesus Christ our Lord on April 24, 2012. I feel like I am just now coming out of a fog of grief.  Understandably I have not put energy into this blog site, blogging or writing.  As a parent, you never fully recover; you learn a new 'normal' much lik...Read More

Aug 2012 10 Aug 10, 2012

This post is merely a small critique on Clark Whitten’s “Pure Grace” book and his doctrines that led to the closing of Exodus International and the “revelation” Alan Chambers suffers under. Unfortunately, this "revelation" of Chambers now promotes "gay Christianity" for practicing homosexuals....Read More

Aug 2011 15 Aug 15, 2011

A Message to Pastoral Care Leaders Processing The Gospel and “Gay Christianity.” by Stephen Black, Executive Director, First Stone Ministries The Gospel according to Jesus Christ is the same message for a gay-identified person, an idolater, an adulterer, a fornicator, a pornographer, a liar, a thief, a gossip, a slanderer or a murderer.  The message of good news–redemption into a love relationship with God–is the same for all sinners....Read More

Aug 2011 15 Aug 15, 2011

We Are Created in the Image of God—Imago Dei! Communicating the term “sexual orientation” for a person’s identity gives an indication of viability to behavior outside of God’s original intent for human sexuality.  I have never liked the idea of communicating “sexual orientation” as our sexual direction, or how one is created sexually.  “Sexual orientation” communicates a distorted truth based upon attract...Read More

Jul 2011 11 Jul 11, 2011

"The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him, in those who hope in His mercy." Psalm 147:11   Coram Deo is Latin, translated as a phrase - “in the presence of God” from Christian Church theology which communicates the idea of Christians living in the presence, under the authority, and to the honor and glory of God at all times. Coram Deo is living in a cognitive state of being before the face of God, to live in the presence of God is to understand ...Read More

Jul 2011 1 Jul 1, 2011

–Note: Stephen Black, Executive Director of First Stone Ministries, attended the Oklahoma City Gay Pride Celebration June 26, 2011 raising a few eyebrows and provoking a few questions. This is Stephen’s report. “Why on Earth would you be out at the gay pride celebration Stephen? You have no business being at a gay pride parade!”   At first, it may seem reasonable to rebuke a minister of the Gospel and the director of an “ex-gay&r...Read More

Dec 2010 1 Dec 1, 2010

Introduction ~by Stephen Black A perfect title by Andy Comiskey with Desert Stream Ministries: "The Whole Gospel for Gays," for God forbid that anyone would give anything less to someone, gay or otherwise, than the WHOLE Gospel.  When we sincerely care about people and knowing the holiness of God, His severity and His mercy, true believers are compelled to give the WHOLE Gospel. I am incredibly grateful that I received THE WHOLE GOSPEL in 1983 that transformed my l...Read More

Jul 2010 6 Jul 6, 2010

A Must See Heart-Rending Life Story During the Exodus International Freedom Conference, I and the other delegates received an unexpected blessing.  We were invited by Movie Director Chad Ahrendt to screen his new film, RECONCILIATION. I’d seen the trailer and knew a bit about the story line, so I admit to some pre-conceptions.  “It will most-likely be a nice story, but I doubt it will be a real tear-jerker or pack an emotional punch as others rep...Read More

Apr 2010 24 Apr 24, 2010

I was recently introduced to this amazing short film:  The Butterfly Circus. It's message is very powerful.  I highly recommend that you take a small block of time, an uninterrupted 20 minutes to watch this short film. It gives helpful perspective and helps with true identity and good attitude in life.  If you don't have time to watch it now, please come back and watch this in it's entirety.  I pray and hope that this short film will bless you as much...Read More

Mar 2010 11 Mar 11, 2010

What to Expect Have you ever wondered how to address homosexuality in your church, community or family? Having over 25 years of experience with this issue, First Stone Ministries, in partnership with Bryant Avenue Baptist Church, is offering a one-day seminar to cover these topics so you too can Fashion a Compassionate Response. Seminar will include worship, teachings, testimonies, panel discussion, resources and lunch. Sessions will include: Understanding Homosex...Read More

Oct 2009 7 Oct 7, 2009

A good friend, leader in ministry, and co-laborer in ministry, Andy Comiskey, Executive Director of Desert Stream Ministires has organized a call for prayer and fasting for the sanctity of marriage through the leadership of the Holy Spirit.  I am embracing this call, and I am asking others to do so as well.  Below you can read Andy Comiskey's call and reasons behind the fast  Please click on the hyper links for more information. __________________________...Read More

Sep 2009 4 Sep 4, 2009

  Pay close attention to this well-thought-out very creative “educational-tool” created by the NEA and your tax dollars that is being promoted by the Barack Obama Administration. This video begins and ends with political iconic cartoonistic graphics that are designed to appeal to children.  The beginning message is emotional.  A sympathetic message of loneliness in being the President, and then immediately the message calls for responsibili...Read More

Jul 2009 4 Jul 4, 2009

FINALLY! A NATIONAL LEADER!  A Man of God, Ken Hutcherson, the senior pastor of Antioch Bible Church in Kirkland, Washington. Pastor Hutcherson is a beautiful black man in my view, for he is a courageous man of God, but not just because he is black, but that he has godly conviction as a black man.  This is God’s beauty – the feet of those who preach good news! No doubt Pastor Hutcherson will take a lot hits (verbal abuse) over speaking the trut...Read More

Jun 2009 19 Jun 19, 2009

I have been communicating over and over that the purposed hate crimes legislation was unnecessary because laws are already in place to prosecute hate crime in all 50 states. Finally someone who is much more articulate has written a terrific and very clear article on this subject.  Please read Dr. Gagnon's article below. Hate crimes legislation is not about hate crimes; it is a political agenda to normalize homosexuality at the same status of equality in our society...Read More

Jun 2009 1 Jun 1, 2009

When you look at the roots of homosexuality it becomes clear, especially for those of us who have come full-circle in leaving it behind, that there is a very distorted broken element of narcissism and the desire to repair the longings for connection to the same sex parent.  I must say that the Lord Jesus Christ has been very kind to me in pointing out the condition of my own emotional, relational and spiritual state in coming out of my sexual distortions and homosex...Read More

May 2009 23 May 23, 2009

I thought this was an excellent, well thought out article, with common sense thinking from Michelle Malkin, Syndicated Columnist.  Michelle communicated the possibilities America faces of an ongoing horrific Islamic jihad;  not merely a “man-made disaster,” but a Koran-inspired religious war. President Obama refuses to clearly communicate the centuries-old roots of this type war.  President Obama claims he can win this war faster, better, and c...Read More

May 2009 8 May 8, 2009

I have received some very interesting emails about my previous post. Let me clarify again; I am not trying to communicate that Carrie Prejean is to be compared to the godliness of an Esther or that her sacrifice of giving up the Miss USA crown is the same level of sacrifice as Ether’s submission to an evil king. This post should be read in context with Pastor McPherson’s message and Carrie’s behind the scene testimony. This blog post went up because I...Read More

May 2009 5 May 5, 2009

Esther is the 17th book in the Bible. Carrie Prejean entered the pageant world at age 17. Esther was a winner of beauty contest to be a queen, and Carrie Prejean was in a beauty contest. I am not trying to communicate that Carrie's stand for righteousness is equal to an Esther.  I am amused by God using the simple things in this life to confound the wise and even religious. Isn't interesting how God used the incredible life of Esther to save the Jews from destructio...Read More

Apr 2009 25 Apr 25, 2009

Ex-gay Leaders Speak Out about FREEDOM from Homosexuality!  There is help!  There is freedom! The Coming Out 4 Good YouTube Ex-gay videos have launched, with many more to come!  I am very excited for the truth to be told.  There is freedom in dying to this self-centered world we live.  Jesus has called us to deny ourselves.  There are many who are walking in denial of what Christ says, and are embracing deception in a "gay gospel."  Th...Read More

Apr 2009 21 Apr 21, 2009

Disclaimer / Warning: The content of the bottom YouTube video with Perez Hilton is offensive.  The use of this video is not to be construed as an endorsement of the video producer and is used only as informational purposes only. The level of intolerance in the USA is at an all time high, but not from the "right-wing" conservatives or from Christians. It is coming from those who scream the loudest for tolerance. Politically correct tolerance is only for those who be...Read More

Apr 2009 15 Apr 15, 2009

OK State Capitol on Tax Day - TEA Party - April 15, 2009  Today I had the pleasure to be with over 5000 Oklahomans who are tired of the "Out-of-Control Washington Government" wasteful spenders!  5000 plus Oklahomans enjoyed protesting at the Oklahoma Tax Day - Taxed Enough Already "TEA" Party!  Taxes are too high and they are going to get higher.  The Obama-ites are raising taxes on businesses.  Businesses will continue to reduce employment ro...Read More

Apr 2009 14 Apr 14, 2009

President Obama recently went on a world apology tour (as David Limbaugh reported) accomplishing very little in strengthening the USA or world economy as was the intended promise from his multi-million dollar trip.  Yet, President Obama told the world, while in Turkey, that the "United States of America is not a Christian nation or a Jewish nation" and thank God he didn't go on to say that the United States was a Muslim nation.  However, I must admit I am mor...Read More

Apr 2009 11 Apr 11, 2009

On the week that centers on Christ Crucified for millions around the globe, the USA has acted in a most unholy manner. Palm Sunday to Good Friday was marked by daily advances of 'gay marriage' forces in our land. Our Bridegroom King, whose very image is manifest in male and female, and who is returning for a Bride, spotless and true, is being crucified afresh. Consider this: I read on Palm Sunday that Iowa's unanimous Supreme Court decision to legalize 'gay marriage' de...Read More

Apr 2009 10 Apr 10, 2009

This is very good advice given to me from a friend who has an avid use of the Internet in blogging and dealing with trolls.  Don't give a morsel or a bone! "Don't feed the trolls!"  Feeding is responding back to their craziness! DNFTT!  They will only harass you more and use what ever you say against you, as they have no interest for mature or professional dialog, they're bullies. What is a troll? A troll is an internet bully(s) who insists on being a nui...Read More

Apr 2009 5 Apr 5, 2009

1. I wish they would admit that many people are not happy with their homosexuality or lesbianism, and that this conflict is internal, based on legitimate, intelligent religious and moral convictions--not just the result of a so-called "homophobic" society which is forcing guilt upon people who don't conform to a heterosexual ethic. Stop throwing out the cheap, inaccurate labels like "internalized homophobia" to explain our motivations. 2. I wish they would acknowledge ...Read More

Apr 2009 4 Apr 4, 2009

April 4, 2009 While we were sleeping, the Iowa Supreme Court unanimously overturned the state’s ban on ‘gay marriage’ on grounds that it was unconstitutional. Most believers I spoke with in and around Iowa knew little if anything about the Court’s deliberation. Those who did seemed sleepy in their response. And uncertain. Even getting information about the case was difficult and yielded little. To most, ‘gay marriage’ seemed outside t...Read More

Mar 2009 28 Mar 28, 2009

The morning of March 28, 2009 at WWW.IHOP.ORG I feel deep grief and brokenness over several people I have known in ministry and served who are now living under a Gospel of Self Indulgence ~ The Gay Gospel.  I truly mourn over the coming judgment of those who perpetuate this false gospel, and say, "peace, peace when there is no peace" for then there will be sudden destruction with no remedy. False Prophets of Hope Denounced: reading from Jeremiah 23:9-15 My hear...Read More

Mar 2009 26 Mar 26, 2009

Dr. Robert A. J. Gagnon has written an excellent article on answering five arguments for homosexuality from a  Biblical view.  This is an excellent resource for those who really desire to analytically think through the arguments for the "gay Christian" and that there is no condemnation of homosexuality.  Ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and those who love our Lord and Savior and desire to defend the truth will enjoy this article.   Dr. Gagn...Read More

Mar 2009 22 Mar 22, 2009

Today at my church home, Bridgeway, our pastoral leader, Alex Absalom shared a message on being a Person of Peace bringing influence into our world. The Lord used this message as a reminder of His mandate on those who wish us harm. We overcome evil by doing good. Pastor Alex didn’t share this particular verses found in Romans 12:20-21. His message was the “Definition of a Person of Peace” and his text was Mark 5, and Acts 10 a look at Cornelius’ l...Read More

Mar 2009 22 Mar 22, 2009

This is a great article on One News Now.  This is a must read for anyone who thinks our "new government" is out of control on this spending and taxing spree! — 'Going Galt': America's wealth producers vs. wealth redistributors Michelle Malkin - Syndicated Columnist // Enough. In a word, that is the message of disgusted taxpayers fed up with the confiscatory policies of both parties in Washington. George Bush pre-socialized the econom...Read More

Mar 2009 15 Mar 15, 2009

A Warning from the Word of God, from the book of Jude: A Warning to those who are unfaithful; who engage in all forms of  sexually immorality and homosexuality. This is also a Scriptural warning to those who are rebellious to God's Holy Word, and  who scoff and mock at the Scriptures, and it is a warning to those who are greedy for gain and the selfishly ambitious. READ THE BOOK OF JUDE   Dear friends, I had been eagerly planning to write to you about...Read More

Jan 2009 20 Jan 20, 2009

I originally posted this on Saturday, April 5th, 2008 after I read and listened to Proverbs 5.  I could not stop thinking about it.  It was an unusually experience.  I read it in eight versions of the Bible.  I was in my car listening to the audio in the NET version of the Bible.  My spirit was stirred and the Lord gave me the following for me personally, but also for anyone who reads this, especially for those entangled with debating those in op...Read More

Jan 2009 14 Jan 14, 2009

Watching Bill O'Reilly on the Factor tonight this story broke on his policing the Internet segment. Who is tracking Proposition 8 contributors with an interactive GoogleMap online database?  This is very disturbing! Financial contributors to campaigns are a part of public records and are there for accountability, as they should be. But, what is the purpose of the anonymous person and/or group who developed the Prop 8 Maps site, with Google's help to post this inf...Read More

Jan 2009 11 Jan 11, 2009

"The world is fading away.  But if you do the will of God, you will live forever."   1 John 2:17 NLT Everything that is worthy of your time, attention, devotion, and affection comes to you from God.  His voice will bring you healing words, His hand will give you good things, and His presence will give you eternal pleasures. The world has nothing new to say to you that your heart needs to hear, nothing new to give to you that your heart needs to rece...Read More

Jan 2009 9 Jan 9, 2009

I have been watching the last segment of Hannity & Colmes (FoxNews.com) this evening. I was very impressed with Sean Hannity and Alan Colmes in how they ended their show tonight.  They were both very professional, spent time actually blessing one another, recalling the last 12 years and airing highlights, they were very complementary of one another, even admiring each others differences and ended the show with a fun gift exchange. They seem to actually enjoy one...Read More

Dec 2008 24 Dec 24, 2008

click for the True Meaning of Christmas...Read More

Dec 2008 17 Dec 17, 2008

Recently I had an opportunity to read, The Shack. It was wonderful. It was every bit as good as I had been told by others who told me it was a "must read."   I concur, this book really is a must read!  It was excellent. This story will especially speak to those who have experience great adversity, traumatic events and profound grief.  Unfortunately and fortunately I have experienced all three; unfortunately because pain is never fun and you would never wi...Read More

Nov 2008 8 Nov 8, 2008

Every County goes for McCain/Palin Federal Election Results Post elections reveal that Oklahoma is truly a conservative state.  Every county in Oklahoma overwhelmingly voted for the Republican ticket for President of the USA - John McCain and Sarah Palin.  I am so proud to be an Oklahoman. Oklahoma sends all the incumbents (Senator Jim Inhofe(R), Representatives: Tom Cole(R), John Sullivan(R), Frank Lucas(R),  Dan Boren(D), and Mary Fallin(R)) back to t...Read More

Nov 2008 7 Nov 7, 2008

Homosexuals are outrageously hypocrital!  The very crowd that says they are for tolerance, and "say no hate" are the most intolerant and hateful people when they do not get their own way!  Thus revealing the deeper need of a heart change.  God Have Mercy! Activists protest at temple: Thousands demand the LDS church be stripped of tax-exempt status for its Prop. 8 contributions (Other gay bloggers have asked for people to burn the temple down). Perspecti...Read More

Nov 2008 5 Nov 5, 2008

Patriotism, Character and Loyalty Matters - especially from a President! God Have Mercy on America! November 5, 2008 – Today is historic in American politics. We have elected a very young inexperienced eloquently speaking charismatic, youth-drawing biracial Democrat President, and a newly empowered Democrat controlled Congress of the United States of America. I really do not like all the focus on his skin color, and how this has been played out by the media and ...Read More

Oct 2008 29 Oct 29, 2008

What will the USA be like with these three dangerously liberal Democrats leading our country? Watch the videos below! — Obama no experience, and his running mate Joe Biden guarantees the American people that if Barack Obama is elected the USA will be involved in an international crisis! — Obama too risky to be our Commander and Chief! — Obama and his dangerous associations: — Obama for change: — Obama Policies &mdas...Read More

Oct 2008 28 Oct 28, 2008

by Pastor Paul Blair with Fairview Baptist Church, Edmond, OK Fact:  Barack Obama opposes and has promised to see all Defense of Marriage Acts overturned. Fact:  Barack Obama supports homosexual marriage ensuring that the 1,100+ federal legal rights and benefits of natural traditional marriage are extended to same-sex couples.   In addition, it will be illegal for you to preach against homosexuality. Legalizing homosexual marriage will end the ...Read More

Oct 2008 26 Oct 26, 2008

It seems that this election has hit an all time high of hypocrisy and lies for the Democrats. The Dems are out of control when it comes to social issues, e.g. homosexuality, sexuality, redefinition of the family which involves the normalization of homosexuality as equal to heterosexuality in unions and marriage in all 50 states, additionally there is now the advancement of mandatory sex education K-12 to teach our children this new redefinition of family, Obama's pro-dea...Read More

Oct 2008 17 Oct 17, 2008

This stated question is one to really ponder, "What will it be like?" I am very concerned what this could mean for our society, for Bible believing Christians and for me as a minister. I am writing the following because I sincerely care about my country, my family and the Church of Jesus Christ. I am not writing in the spirit of condemnation of homosexuality, but rather merely reporting news items and what is going on politically in the political gay agenda, with the Nat...Read More

Sep 2008 16 Sep 16, 2008

A short article on a Christian's responsibility to vote in the United States of America....Read More

Sep 2008 15 Sep 15, 2008

BARACK OBAMA Senator Obama does not communicate concisely. He is very wordy when he talks about his policies, and most of the time it is spin. It is difficult to really understand WHAT he is saying and WHAT DIRECTION he will really take as President. He has flipped flopped on several issues. He just doesn't seem capable of being concise on any subject. He doesn't "Straight Talk" like Senator McCain, as was clearly seen at the Saddleback Church forum. It should be very i...Read More

Sep 2008 6 Sep 6, 2008

The media, liberal women's groups, the democrats and their blog bullies have viciously attacked Governor Sarah Palin. Why are they attacking this woman and her family so viciously? I think they are worried. Since Governor Sarah Palin was announced on August 29th, it has been a media frenzy about this woman.  I am grateful for the good attention of Governor Palin.  All the coverage, negative and positive is causing Obama to suffer in the polls; which I am als...Read More

Aug 2008 29 Aug 29, 2008

Today history was made; Governor Sarah Palin was selected by John McCain as his Vice-President. I was skeptical at first, but then I listened to this woman speak. WOW! I told my wife, "she's gotta be a believer in Jesus Christ." Knowing nothing about her at the time, but hearing her heart, I knew she must love God. This is the kind of news that makes me shout! Today’s event restored hope back to my heart, finally I feel like I can vote in November with joy! Perhap...Read More

Aug 2008 27 Aug 27, 2008

Will Oklahoma City actually get a new 925 ft. sky scraper? The buzz is that Oklahoma City will be getting a new skyscraper! City planning meetings with Devon Energy Corporation has confirmed this past week that the plan is to build a new headquarters in downtown Oklahoma City for Devon and to open by 2012.  The new 54-story, 925-foot tall skyscraper will be the tallest building in Oklahoma, number 23 in height in the US and will cost over $750 million.  The pl...Read More

Jul 2008 10 Jul 10, 2008

Christians are under attack, their speech is being limited and religious liberties are being trampled. ...Read More

May 2008 23 May 23, 2008

Gay affirming policies and politics are leading to the ruin of marriage as once known between one man and one woman. Marriage is on the fast-track of no longer being sacred. According to a recent Gallup poll, 78% to 88% of American youth ages 16 to 25 embrace the idea of homosexuality as a valid, acceptable alternative lifestyle and that gays should be allowed to marry. Once gay marriage is accepted in a culture then marriage becomes devalued and diluted to nothing and ...Read More

May 2008 10 May 10, 2008

I personally don't like describing myself as "ex-gay," however; it communicates a quick sound bite of the reality and a direction of many. So while others might be disturbed by the term, "ex-gay" I feel it is a waste of time to wrangle over words that work in concisely communicating.  Yes, folks I am “ex-gay” though I do not find my identity in being “ex-gay.” I am also very concerned that there are many great stories of “ex-gays”...Read More

Apr 2008 28 Apr 28, 2008

One bright day, in the state of Confusion, a scruffy-faced man in Divers City felt a little flutter in his belly. As the days went by, the flutters grew stronger until they felt like little kicks. "I'm pregnant!" the man gushed as he hugged his girlfriend. "It's a miracle!" the media proclaimed, as they paraded him around the talk show circuit. Some people said it wasn't possible, but the media ignored them. Suddenly one night, the man sat bolt upright in bed. Shaking...Read More