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Humility: A Prerequisite to Grace
Many promoting antinomianism (hyper-grace) (cheap grace) do not understand that living a grace-filled life requires repentance in a fully surrendered life of being humble before God. Otherwise GRACE, His power cannot break into a soul for deliverance and even salvation unto eternal life.

Night of Truth @ GR Church in Grand Rapids
Pastor, Author and Speaker Stephen Black with Coram Deo Ministries from Oklahoma City shares testimony and Biblical Truth in God's Divine Intent in Human Sexuality and looks at the roots of LGBTQ+ chaos.

“No one Born Gay” - Largest Study Ever Conducted Finds No Genetic Link
How the “born gay” fiction changed social perception of homosexual behavior Oklahoma City, Oklahoma -- There's no such thing as a single "gay gene" that drives a person's sexual behavior, concludes the largest genetic study ever conducted on the issue. Nearly half a million genetic profiles from the United States and the United Kingdom found no causality between genetics and same-sex attraction.

The Power of Humility and Confession: Characteristics of Freedom Realized
Synopsis article from my book Freedom Realized

Prophecy of Pride
The Prophecy of Pride article written by Stephen Black, is revealing how the so-called "rainbow banner" is the pride banner which is a cursed banner revealing the spirit of this age of destructive sexual perversion in pride which is bringing destruction. Time is short!

"The Falling Away" in Our Day
I am deeply concerned at the lack of personal love and devotion towards Jesus Christ, and the lack of desire for the Word of God and devotion towards The Church of Jesus Christ. Prayer and witnessing because of the Joy of Salvation is missing with many. Fear and immorality are made normal in our day, and we are experiencing a great falling away of the once believers.

Six “Supremes” Vote for the United States to Make LGBTQ+ Behavior Equal to Race and Sex
The Six "Supremes" - The Black-robed 'gods' of the United States try to legislate from their unholy bench making LGBTQ+ behaviors equal to race and sex/gender. The tragic ruling -- Bostick vs. Clayton County -- June 15, 2020

Southwest Prophecy Ministries - Freedom Realized Interviews
Southwest Prophecy Ministries' President, Dr. David Schnittger Interviews Stephen Black, Executive Director of First Stone Ministries about Freedom Realized and the continued corruption of LGBTQ+ chaos infiltrating the Church.

Gone Too Far Press Conference at The Press Club in Washington, DC
The Gone Too Far Press Conference Videos from the Press Club Press Conference, February 6, 2019 in Washington, DC

Is Oklahoma Ready to Ban Counseling and Therapy for Sexually Confused Youth?
Is Oklahoma Ready to Ban Counseling and Therapy for Sexually Confused Youth? Oklahoma HB2456 by Rep. Jason Dunnington, who is being used by the LGBTQ community to further their obvious goal of recruitment of binding children into LGBTQ+ chaos. People who have common sense can see this goal. The goal has always been recruitment and the normalization of homosexuality. Laws banning therapy and counseling for youth are clear, they demand that sexually confused children to enter the ranks of the LGBTQ+ community and not find any resolve of traumas or true freedom. The bills are truly the “MUST STAY GAY!” bills being forced on our youth across our nation. Unfortunately, there are few bold pastors or courageous leaders willing to call attention to this erosion. This is tragic in our day. Don’t be naive folks, this really is about recruitment and lust.

Believe or Not to Believe -- University of Central Oklahoma Forum on Spirituality & Sexuality Discus
The student organizations: Valid Worldview, S.A.F.E - Student Alliance for Equality, and UCO- The Center - Women's Research Center BGLTQ+ Student Center invited: Trey Witzel, Associate Pastor, First UMC of Edmond, and Kris Williams with Q Space LGBTQ+ Facilitator, NorthCare, VS. Dr. Robert A.J. Gagnon, Professor of The New Testament, Houston Baptist University, author of "The Bible and Homosexual Practice (Abingdon Press) and Stephen Black, Executive Director, First Stone Ministries, author of "Freedom Realized - Finding Freedom from Homosexuality & Living a Life Free from Labels" (Redemption Press), all to a forum discussion debate. The invitation was to have a civil discussion and debate on LGBTQ issues and what the Bible says. This was Monday, October 15, 2018, located in Constitutional Hall, Nigh Student Center, University of Oklahoma, Edmond Oklahoma. The Moderator was Dr.David Macey.

No One Is Born Gay!
I like Camilla Paglia's statement: "Homosexuality is not normal. On the contrary, it is a challenge to the norm. Nature exists whether academics like it or not. And in nature, procreation is the single relentless rule. That is the norm. Our sexual bodies were designed for reproduction (by God, I would add). No one is born gay. The idea is ridiculous. Homosexuality is an adaptation, not an inborn trait."

Media Meltdown: Why Truth Matters
As a Christian communicator, you have an advantage in today’s crazy world. You know the Source of truth. What a powerful idea. We face many who are like Pilate and cannot discern truth when it is right in front of them. This is willful blindness. Our job as communicators is simple; tell the truth.

Repenting from Incomplete Teaching and Statements Concerning Holiness
Stephen Black publicly repenting from communicatiing a statement that leads to dumbing-down the real goal of holiness.

Freedom Realized Book Review by Dr. Bill Muelenberg
Author and Culture Warrior Bill Muehlenberg exposes the evidence of cultural decline, the erosion of values, the decline of civility, the denial of truth and the elevation of unreason. He is devoted to exploring the major cultural, social and political issues of the day. His books offer reflection and commentary drawing upon the wealth of wisdom found in the Judeo-Christian tradition in addressing several areas of corruption in our culture. Bill offers reflective and incisive commentary on a wide range of issues, helping to sort through the maze of competing opinions, worldviews, ideologies and value systems. Therefore he is astute in giving a clear evaluation of a book like Freedom Realized. Bill says, This important new book can be roughly divided into three sections: the amazing story of Stephen Black; how churches and Christians should respond to the issue of homosexuality; and lastly, the testimonies of 16 other ex-homosexuals.

Imagine With Me A Different Kind of Missionary: The Ex-Gay Minister
I wanted to give some insight to the “Different Kind of Missionary” found in those who give of their lives for Jesus in an “ex-gay” ministry. I want you to really think about what the ministers in “ex-gay” ministry are facing in this day as a very different kind of mission! First Stone Ministries, along with 40 ministries like ours, and several counseling agencies within the Restored Hope Network, are laboring together in helping individuals, churches, families, and friends to process through all the cultural ambiguity, misunderstandings, and lies about the sexual revolution of all things LGBTQ+. It is overwhelming!

God is Sovereign! A Reminder From An Art Katz Quote
Reminded of the prophecy concerning Art Katz. He gave a warning in 1980 about Exodus International. A really good reminder that God is sovereign and HE KNOWS!

Two Interviews with Arthelene Rippy on the Home Keepers Program
Stephen Black was interviewed on the Arthelene Rippy Home Keepers Program on January 5, 2018 in Tampa, FL. The two segments were aired on January 23 and 24, 2018. The interviews are about "Freedom Realized - Finding Freedom From Homosexuality & Living A Life Free From Lables."

Americans For Truth About Homosexuality Banquet and Teach-In Day
Stephen Black presented at the Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) Banquet and Teach-In.

Deliverance from Shame through the Power of the Holy Spirit
Shame, that is, toxic shame that puts a believer in bondage must be released in confession, receiving prayer and release in the power of the Holy Spirit. On November 5, 2017 Dr. Sam Storms, Senior Pastor at Bridgeway Church in Oklahoma City gave a powerful message on freedom of toxic shame.

Freedom Realized Book Interview, Stephen Black Interviewed by Peter LaBarbera
Peter LaBarbera interviews Stephen Black on his new book, Freedom Realized, Finding Freedom From Homosexuality And Living A Life Free From Labels

What Would St. Paul Say to The Church Embracing “Gay Christianity” & “Spiritual Friendships"?
A Biblical answer to what St. Paul would say to the American Church Embracing So-called “Gay Christianity” and “Spiritual Friendships” in our day. “Gay Christianity” is being promoted at an alarming rate in several places in the Church worldwide.

"Gay Christianity" is Coming Into The Church
Radio Interview and Article on so-called "Gay Christianity" infiltrating the Church. Janet Mefferd interview airing August 24, 2017, and the article content address a critique on "Single Gay Christian" book by Gregory Coles.

FSM Staffs’ Adventure To The National Restored Hope Network Conference
First Stone Ministries' Staff traveled by SUV across the Southwestern part of the USA to San Diego, CA to participate in the Restored Hope Network Conference. This is an update about our adventure there and back.

Overview of Homosexuality
This message (on an "Overview of Homosexuality") was shared with the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma's SKOPOS - Tightrope Session in 2014. Joseph Thiessen, FSM Office Administrator also shares his testimony.

A Thorough & Scholarly Video Presentation of The Bible and Homosexual Practice by Dr. Robert Gagnon
Enjoy these thorough and scholarly videos on the subject of the Bible and homosexuality. Dr. Robert Gagnon, Associate Professor of the New Testament at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary gives an amazing presentation at Skyline Church in San Deigo, CA. Based upon Dr. Gagnon's fantastic work, "The Bible and Homosexual Practice: Texts and Hermeneutics", this excellent video presentation is presented here to give clear answers from the Bible texts and Bible hermeneutics.