Americans For Truth About Homosexuality Banquet and Teach-In Day
I had the honor to keynote the Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) Banquet and Teach-In held on October 20-21, 2017 at Grace For Life Bible Church in Naperville, Illinois. You can watch the entire presentation with the videos provided below.
Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH Founder and President hosted this event. He is a man passionate about the truth and desires to follow the Lord Jesus Christ fully. Peter is courageous, uncompromising and also compassionate concerning the issues of all things LGBTQ+. Although bullied by gay activists as hateful, Peter is actually graciously concerned and compassionate towards those who struggle. Over the last ten years, I've had the honor to get to really know Peter LaBarbera as a faithful Christian, a godly family man who loves his wife and children, and I consider him a good friend and brother in Christ. We provided the following videos covering the full AFTAH banquet and Teach-In. I shared my story in the context of An Overview of Homosexuality, Understanding Homosexuality, and then I also shared some of the data from the First Stone Ministries' Effectiveness Survey included in my book Freedom Realized. (Full Survey Report to be published separately and released soon). The survey conclusively reveals that people find lasting freedom from homosexuality.
You can order the AFTAH Banquet & Teach-In DVDs with all the MP4 files for $25 from First Stone Ministries' online market.
I was also blessed to receive the AFTAH 2017 Truth-Tellers Award. Peter LaBarbera writes the following: Black is executive director of First Stone Ministries in Oklahoma City and Board Chairman of Restored Hope Network–two wonderful Christian ministries that reach out to the “sexually broken” from a biblical perspective. His testimony and others at the conference are a reminder of the politically incorrect truth that homosexuality can be overcome as in person’s life, and that Jesus Christ is alive and still in the life-transforming business. Like all AFTAH banquets and educational events, this was a tremendous time of learning as our speakers–each a truth warrior in his or her own right–confronted the myths and lies of the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) lobby. It is why AFTAH awards these truth warriors! Stephen’s love for Jesus and his call for obedience in the Church to the gospel of Christ alone was compelling, but please take the time to watch all five videos below. And please share them far and wide to educate your network of friends. And to help us, if you are able, please support Americans for Truth with your donations. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera