Happy New Year!
| By: Stephen Black
Happy New Year!
We have now entered into 2016 in the Central Time Zone of the United States! I have a New Year blessing for you! May we all find Jesus more dear to us than all of other years! May we find the Holy Word of God more intriguing than any worldly entertainment. May we find Jesus Christ as our the true source of enjoyment in life. May we all find more fulfilled lives living for others, as we are truly eternally conscience -- that our lives are a mere vapor! May the Lord Jesus Christ bless every home with His peace, amazing grace, glorious health, and true prosperity, more than in previous years! This is my "GOD BLESS YOU" for 2016!
More in Blog
Humility: A Prerequisite to Grace
Night of Truth @ GR Church in Grand Rapids
New Study Reveals - AGAIN - No One Is Born Gay!
More by Stephen Black
The Power of Humility and Confession: Characteristics of Freedom Realized
Prophecy of Pride
"The Falling Away" in Our Day
Six “Supremes” Vote for the United States to Make LGBTQ+ Behavior Equal to Race and Sex
Presenting First Stone Ministries
Southwest Prophecy Ministries - Freedom Realized Interviews
Gone Too Far Press Conference at The Press Club in Washington, DC
Is Oklahoma Ready to Ban Counseling and Therapy for Sexually Confused Youth?
Believe or Not to Believe -- University of Central Oklahoma Forum on Spirituality & Sexuality Discus
No One Is Born Gay!
Repenting from Incomplete Teaching and Statements Concerning Holiness
Freedom Realized Book Review by Dr. Bill Muelenberg
Imagine With Me A Different Kind of Missionary: The Ex-Gay Minister
God is Sovereign! A Reminder From An Art Katz Quote
Two Interviews with Arthelene Rippy on the Home Keepers Program
Americans For Truth About Homosexuality Banquet and Teach-In Day
Freedom Realized Book Interview, Stephen Black Interviewed by Peter LaBarbera
Freedom Realized Book Update
What Would St. Paul Say to The Church Embracing “Gay Christianity” & “Spiritual Friendships"?
"Gay Christianity" is Coming Into The Church
FSM Staffs’ Adventure To The National Restored Hope Network Conference
Grieving the Spirit of Revival by G. D. Watson
Thinking About Heaven
Wolves & Sheep - Know the Difference
Perverting Grace - Red Flags to Alert You To Perverse-Grace Teachings
Suffering - An Opportunity to Worship God More Deeply & Intimately
The Two Loves: A Biblical Response to "Gay Christianity"
Scandalous Good News - by Andrew Comiskey
Thinking About What A Book Cover Might Look Like "Freedom Realized"
Becoming Men of Truth & Integrity in God's Divine Intent for Sexuality - Men's Rewired 2016
Happy New Year!
A Meditation on Colossians Chapter 3
Who I Am In Christ
My Cup is Full
Discerning the GOP Leadership
So-Called “Gay Marriage” is No Marriage at All
Yes, I Said It! Why I Support HB 1598
Stephen Black's Testimony 2013 - From Homosexuality to Holiness
Born Again? Examine Yourself
Overview of Homosexuality
Who Will You Deny? Yourself or The Lord? - by John Wesley
A Hallelujah Christmas
New Hope Video Stories
Why Many Go Back - Giving Some Answers Why Defectors Embrace Homosexuality
Many Will Fall Away From the Faith in the Last Days
Natural Marriage (one man w/ one woman) VS. Same-Sex Marriage
Freedom Realized - Message at Redeemer, Utica, NY
Will the Church Show Justice and Mercy to the Same-Sex Attracted?
Luke 18:8
A Thorough & Scholarly Video Presentation of The Bible and Homosexual Practice by Dr. Robert Gagnon
Freedom from Homosexuality - Transformational Grace - Life Changing
Freedom Realized - from the brokenness of homosexuality to freedom in Christ
Homogeneous Humanity? Not in Christ
God of Wonders
In Alan Chambers' Own Words
Blog Update
What Would You Say To Me If I Told You…
The Gospel According To Jesus Christ; and the "Gay Christian?"
A SINFUL ORIENTATION not a Sexual Orientation
Coram Deo
Reaching - OUT - at OKC Gay Pride Parade
The Whole Gospel for Gays by Andy Comiskey
The Butterfly Circus
Fashioning A Compassionate Response ~ One Day Seminar Concerning Homosexuality ~ by First Stone Mini
Standing for Marriage for The Good of All
Consider the Psychology Behind the “I PLEDGE” Video
A Brother ~ My Brother! An Answer to Prayer!
Why The "Hate Crime Law" Is Destructive - Say No To Hate Crimes!
Homosexual Behavior is More Like Consensual Incest... Will the USA have Hate Crime Laws?
Imagine Jihadi Mentality in U.S. Prisons ~ Imagine President Obama's Plan
Mean-spirited emails over Carrie Prejean post
For Such A Time As This... Carrie Prejean
Freedom from Homosexuality!
Miss California Faces Intolerance with Class
Tax Day TEA Party - Oklahoma State Capitol
Obama Says The "USA Isn't A Christian Nation"
Unholy Week? Crucifying Christ Afresh through 'Gay Marriage'
Do Not Feed The Trolls! ~ DNFTT
Seven Things I Wished That Pro-Gay People Would Admit
'Gay Marriage' in The Heartland by Andy Comiskey
A Promise from God to the False Prophets
What the Bible Really Says about Homosexual Practice
Overcome Evil by Doing Good
GO Michelle ~ I am TEA'd
Hey Jude!
Trying to Appease Critics? ~ A Devotion from Proverbs 5
Who's Tracking Proposition 8 Contributors? Why and to What End?
Eternal Pleasures from God's Hand
"Hannity & Colmes" ~ ENDS ~ It Now Becomes "Hannity"
Merry Christmas
The Shack
Oklahoma Is A Great State
Gays threaten violence against Christians and to burn down churches.
President-Elect Obama Log ~ First Week After Election
Can you Imagine the Dangerous Three Running the USA?
The End of the Home and the End of Our Society?
Double Standards for Democrats
What Will It Be Like If We Have A Democrat White House and Congress?
The MANY reasons I cannot vote for the Obama / Biden Ticket
Why IS Palin Attacked by the Media and Democrats?
Sarah Palin - John McCain's Vice President - Great Choice!
Oklahoma City's New 925ft Skyscraper?
Seven Mind-Sweltering News Items about the Homosexual Political Agenda, and Hate Speech
Approval, Affirmation, and Sanctioning of Homosexual Marriage in California
Ex-Gays Afraid to Come Out for Fear of Persecution!
A Pregnant Man ~ A short tale... by Kenneth L. Ervin II