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New Hope Video Stories

Here are three video stories of Hope from the First Stone Ministries' staff.  The first one is from Laura Leigh Stanlake who was interviewed for Dennis Jernigan's Sing Over Me documentary. They did not use it in the documentary, but released Laura's story as a bonus feature.  The second video here is also Laura Leigh giving her testimony at the 2013 National Restored Hope Network Conference in Oklahoma City.  Laura Leigh is the Director of Women's Ministries at First Stone Ministries in Oklahoma City.

The third video is from me, Stephen Black sharing briefly for the new PFOX video testimonies project on their new web site. There is freedom from homosexuality for those who really desire.  Yes, a changed life happens through the transformational work of the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ as Lord.  There are many who have left homosexuality behind for good.  I am so grateful for this changed life!




There are many more stories of people who have come out of homosexuality: