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Which do you choose? Pusski or Aslan?

Stats say that 70% of church-going men are viewing porn on a weekly basis; they are covered up in shame and darkness! Most men in the Church today are like "Pusski" – the domesticated couch cat, pictured here. Please pray with me! Let's pray for the men, our brothers in the Church, to be like Aslan - A Lion - like Jesus who is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. One unfortunate problem I've continued to run into (especially among ex-gays and especially the ex-ex-gay [the apostate]): when you are a lion, a prophetic voice, you'll be told you're hateful and a jerk by the Pusskies in the Church! Another tragic reality, in the Church, many ladies also enjoy Pusskies, because they are controllable men, instead of Lions! Sadly, this is to their own hurt, as women need men who will bring protection, not be subjugated by the broken and wounded feminine.  Oh beloveds in the Lord, the Church doesn't need tame breathy effeminate-voiced men telling everyone to just be kind and nice under a false grace message. The Church needs courageous men, prophets, today more than EVER before! The Church needs the men to be warriors, not metrosexuals! Yes, the church needs men to be 'gentlemen' but HOLY MEN living in the true masculine! We all need men who are not afraid to boldly speak the truth! "God have mercy and send us holy prophets" was Leonard Ravenhill's prayer, one of my heroes in Christ and a mentor of truth for my soul! Ravenhill's prayer is also my prayer for this day we live. I want to belong to Jesus' band of brothers, not tame men and certainly not controlled by the ever-growing LGBT influence, and the so-called gay Christian influence. Folks, it is happening now, more than ever before, a deluding influence of hyper-perverted grace messages conforming men in the Church to be more and more effeminate – "Pusski" Couch Cats! This would not have been possible 25 years ago, never mind what it was like 75 years ago. Truly this is one of the seductive elements in our day of the great falling away.

So, you tell me, which is more attractive in God, Pusski Cat or Aslan Lion? Ladies, truly, which do you really need? Pusski, or Aslan?