Yes, I Said It! Why I Support HB 1598
Yes, I said it! I’ll say it again, “It is child abuse to withhold counseling, therapy and pastoral care from a child or teenager struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction or homosexual behavior when he or she desires change and is seeking help! It is tragic to withhold or prevent counseling from a sexually abused child confused in his or her teenage years when they are seeking help to overcome their unwanted same-sex attraction.”
This is what we are up against today all over the country!
It seems “gay is the only way” in California, New Jersey and the District of Columbia for our youth where they have passed laws preventing therapy and counseling for those under the age of 18. There is a shift taking place in the Church and in our country. The shift is a growing apostasy concerning the normalization of homosexuality among evangelicals. It is just like the proverbial frog in the pan of water set to boil. We cannot even discern just how close we are to the boiling point of death in heretical teachings that allow for “gay Christianity.” It seems few in the Church are concerned. This was revealed recently by the lack of support for HB 1598 – "The Parental and Family Rights in Counseling Protection Act." Very few Christians are involved in these moral and family policy issues; they are failing to be salt in light in our world.
Many have embraced “Christian Political Correctness” (CPC) with Christian leaders who communicate a seductive kindness and ‘accepting’ tone about homosexuality. Otherwise you will be considered “unkind,” “unloving,” “intolerant,” “homophobic,” “bigoted,” and, of course, “hateful” if speaking in disagreement. It is a tragedy when leaders in the Church and our legislative bodies at the state and federal levels embrace a belief that young people who struggle with unwanted same-sex attraction should embrace only a gay identity, that “gay is the only way.” Some leaders actually believe it is unloving by getting our teens help; they believe that getting them counseling and therapy is harmful. Ridiculous! Some of these leaders have adopted an idea it is okay to be a “gay Christian”. Many lawmakers have bought into a lie that young people who struggle with same-sex attraction, even if they have been sexually abused as children, should embrace homosexuality. They believe people are born gay, even when the all the science is against such beliefs. These “leaders” are believing lies from the gay political agenda and Hollywood. Therefore these “leaders” are knowingly and unknowingly aligned with the gay political agenda in furthering the recruitment of young people into homosexuality. They have become “leaders” who are propagating more child abuse.
Representatives and Christian Leaders – What Do Your Really Believe?
What kind of a leader who says he believes in the family would align himself with such a diabolical plan to recruit more young people into homosexuality? What kind of leader who calls himself or herself a Christian could align with such laws in California, New Jersey, and DC to ban counseling? What kind of leader would vote for such proposed laws in more than 15 other states preventing help for teens with unwanted same-sex attraction? What kind of leader would vote down HB 1598 in Oklahoma knowing it would protect our children? Wouldn’t it be a very deceived leader, who is at the very least naïve or a leader who is not paying close attention to what is going on in our country? Wouldn’t this be a leader who is afraid of gay activists, instead of doing the right thing? Is it possible that these leaders actually know what they are doing and they just don’t care? Men and women who don’t care MUST be replaced with those who do care, who love righteousness, and who love families and children.
Why I support HB 1598 and Representative Sally Kern
Oklahoma House Bill 1598 is preemptive and forward thinking. Representative Sally Kern sees what is happening in other states where gay activists are busy trying to pass laws to stop young people from getting needed and desired counseling. These activists put forward stories of those who are “victims” of therapy and counseling. They focus on the failures of those who were not successful in limiting their unwanted same-sex attractions or homosexual addictive behavior. Much like a drug addict or sex addict, these people who fail, blame the therapists, counselors or ministries instead of taking responsibility for their own desires and behavior. They want to embrace homosexuality and they are free to do so in this country. There is more freedom than ever before in our country to embrace homosexuality. They are completely free to make a choice to embrace homosexuality. However, it is an attack on civil and religious liberties to undermine and stop others from getting help. I am so grateful I was able to find help and lasting freedom from homosexuality in 1983. Anyone who would prevent people from getting help to overcome homosexuality is abusive!
Rep. Sally Kern has more courage than most men in all 50 states legislatures. In 2008, Rep. Kern was excoriated in the national press by gay activists and mocked by many in the media like Ellen DeGeneres. Many Republicans continue to distance themselves from Rep. Kern because they are cowards; they are afraid they will be politically incorrect. They are fearful to be ‘controversial’ and they are afraid to be called down by activists. They communicate in terms of being wise in their political correctness, yet in reality they’re cowards or they embrace homosexuality themselves. Now in 2015, we see the family being redefined in such a way that marriage will mean nothing in a few short years in America. These same lawmakers who believe themselves so wise will find themselves on the wrong side of history, especially on Judgment Day, but that’s for another message.
We will all look back at this time in history and see the reason Representative Sally Kern was under attack. It is a spiritual attack, a diabolical plot to keep homosexuality moving forward in our society. Sally Kern is a woman of courage who had the foresight to see that the political homosexual movement is, in fact, more dangerous in eroding Christian values and destroying the natural family from the inside out, than the threat of terrorism in America. History will show that Representative Kern – a civics and history teacher – a humble grandmother was on the right side of history, even while comedians and colleagues made fun and many so-called ‘Christians’ laughed. A woman who will outshine all her colleagues who are too cowardly to stand with her, unless they hear from us. We must empower these legislators to regroup and to stand in courage with Sally Kern. However, we must all unite in courage to stand with Representative Kern as well. Will you?
Some Very Unpopular Questions No One Wants to Ask or Answer; perhaps you might want to ask Oklahoma Representatives some of these questions. Representatives, What Are You Really Supporting?
I would like to ask all lawmakers and leaders individually, face to face some very unpopular questions, who are unwilling to vote for HB 1598 or other preemptive types of legislation concerning “gay” interests:
- Do you really believe that homosexual behavior is healthy and natural?
- Do you still believe that homosexuality is inborn when all the science points to environmental issues?
- Do you honestly believe the practices of homosexuals are something you can embrace yourself? If not, then why would you prevent a teenager, who is in his or her most formative years of sexual development to get the help they need and want?
- Are you actually are in league with the gay activists in recruiting our youth?
- Why would any leader limit freedom from teenagers from getting counseling they want?
Things you should ask Oklahoma Representatives who are unwilling to vote for HB 1598:
- Are you really for limiting parental rights?
- Are you really for limiting civil liberties and religious liberties for counselors, therapists, and parents?
- Are you paying attention to the political landscape of gay political activists who are trying to pass laws all over the country to suppress counseling for youth and attack businesses and churches that embrace a Biblical worldview on homosexuality as sin?
- Are you willing to go on record for limiting helping and freedom for teenagers?
- Are you willing to go on record by voting against HB 1598 in disregard of self-determination?
- Are you willing to go on record by voting against HB 1598 in complete disregard of civil and religious liberties?
Please contact the following Representatives below, and your own Representative today!
- Please be sure you spread this to every Christian in your email list.
- Make sure you place these four phone calls on Monday, March 9th and Tuesday March 10, 2015.
HB 1598
Parental and Family Rights in Counseling Protection Act
This gives parents the freedom to engage a counselor to help their own children. It prohibits the state from prosecuting parents or counselors for helping remediate a child who is struggling with same-sex attractions. See First Stone Press Release. (Background documents "why" I support HB 1598)
HB 1599
Preservation of Sovereignty and Marriage Act
This makes it illegal for the state of Oklahoma to recognize same-sex marriages and requires the removal of any judge who violates the act.
Bill must be scheduled by Wednesday, March 11 to be heard on the House floor by the deadline for bills to be heard. (Deadline is Thursday, March 12.)
Calls should be made to the speaker of the house as well as to the three legislators (floor leaders) who organize the floor agenda for the speaker. The floor leaders are legislators who were appointed by the speaker and for the most part make the decisions as to which bills get heard and organize the agenda. The Speaker is consulted, but will only weigh in if there are bills he insists get heard. Each of the four needs to be called and emailed.
A visit to the Capitol would be required to actually speak to any of these people face to face. You may drop by their offices of go to the floor when they are in session and call them out. Calling them out of session is not an irritation to them and a regular part of their day. To do this, you will fill out a request card which the lobby attendant will deliver to the house member. He will come out when he has a moment.
Jeff Hickman (HD 58 R) 405-557-7339 Room 401 LA: Leila Laird
Charles Ortega (HD 52 R) (405) 557-7369 Room 442 LA: Jamie Hudson
Jason Nelson (HD 87 R) (405) 557-7335 Room 305A LA: Megan Winburn
Lisa Billy (HD 42 R) (405) 557-7365 Room 440 LA: Saprina Crosthait
Note: “LA” is “Legislative Assistant”
You can read the bills online:
HB 1598
HB 1599