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Apr 2016 27 Apr 27, 2016

I attended a funeral today.  Very difficult funeral, as it was an untimely death of a young man only 25 years old.  Joseph William Clarkson, July 7, 1990 -- April 24, 2016.  This young man is the son of Kevin and Cherie Clarkson, Pastors of First Baptist Church of Moore, OK.   Cherie's brother, Pastor Tim Salter's gave a closing message today.  He talked about grief using the story from John's Gospel about Lazarus, from chapter 11.   He sh...Read More

Mar 2016 4 Mar 4, 2016

I have the honor to speak again at this year's Men's Rewired Conference.  This year's conference is divided up into "Truth Tracks."  My Truth Track is:  Becoming Men of Truth and Integrity in God’s Divine Intent for Sexuality.  This truth track will encourage men to embrace God’s divine intent for their sexuality. The goal will be to embrace the Father’s truth and to be equipped with practical Biblical steps for freedom where one w...Read More

Jan 2016 1 Jan 1, 2016

Happy New Year! We have now entered into 2016 in the Central Time Zone of the United States! I have a New Year blessing for you!  May we all find Jesus more dear to us than all of other years! May we find the Holy Word of God more intriguing than any worldly entertainment. May we find Jesus Christ as our the true source of enjoyment in life.  May we all find more fulfilled lives living for others, as we are truly eternally conscience -- that our lives are a ...Read More

Dec 2015 23 Dec 23, 2015

Read Colossians Chapter 3 Seek the things above! Set your mind on things above! Set your mind on Heaven, where Jesus rules and reigns! Put to death your members, the desires of your flesh body (be a doer) – put to death fornication (living together and having sexual relations outside of marriage), put to death uncleanness,  put to death evil lusts and passions, covetousness and idolatry!  Putting to death requires doing! To be a doer of God's wo...Read More

Dec 2015 10 Dec 10, 2015

Years ago I attended a seminar conducted by Milton Green.  The seminar was three to four days of Scripture reading, Bible study, worship and prayer.  The seminar brought abundant freedom to thousands of people, mainly in the Southern Baptist Church during the "Fullness Movement."  It was a wonderful time to be alive.   There was a proclamation of truth through the scripture and praying that Milton would have the entire audience repeat.  I have po...Read More

Oct 2015 31 Oct 31, 2015

My actual cup of coffee today This cup represents a very peaceful quiet morning being present to the Lord – I'm enjoying The Lord, thoroughly loving His presence in the word and in the Holy Spirit today.  When I woke this morning the Holy Spirit reminded me of being present to Him as of the utmost important ‘one thing’ so that I (we) might be present to others in His power. So beloved, what gift of the Lord are you to others? What presence ...Read More

Aug 2015 8 Aug 8, 2015

With all the chatter about Trump and the other candidates for President, I sincerely hope you will consider a person's moral compass for electability. "If GOP leadership doesn't understand the basics in Genesis of Imago Dei and human sexuality, they don't get my support as it is depraved to believe homosexuality is acceptable behavior. Used to be the abortion issue that was politically incorrect, however now homosexuality becomes a litmus test of dividing between cons...Read More

Jun 2015 18 Jun 18, 2015

The Plain and Simple Truth about Attending a “Gay Wedding” —  I am hearing of this more and more—that a Christian has been invited to attend a “wedding” between two men or two women. It is usually from a relative, a close friend, or perhaps their own child. A Christian who is faced with a decision whether to attend or not, processes through many questions with heart-ache.  There is always the desire to be loving and kind t...Read More

Mar 2015 8 Mar 8, 2015

Yes, I said it! I’ll say it again, “It is child abuse to withhold counseling, therapy and pastoral care from a child or teenager struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction or homosexual behavior when he or she desires change and is seeking help! It is tragic to withhold or prevent counseling from a sexually abused child confused in his or her teenage years when they are seeking help to overcome their unwanted same-sex attraction.” This is what...Read More

Feb 2015 27 Feb 27, 2015

From Homosexuality to Holiness - Stephen Black from Pure Passion on Vimeo....Read More