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Coram Deo Ministries

New Life New Path New Journey - PAGE TOP

What is Coram Deo Ministries?

  • NEW LIFE ?
    Yes, after months of being depressed, deeply broken, and feeling overwhelmed, I have a new direction. The idea of starting all over in ministry after 3 decades was scary and overwhelming. I have received new vitality, a new life in the Holy Spirit with vision and mission to do HIS WILL. This is a new level of TRUST in this journey. The ministry update letter link below explains this vision and mission in more detail in the new life, new path, and new journey.

  • NEW PATH ?
    Yes, in separating from my former ministry I am finding new openings to minister.  I am continuing to do much as I did in pastoral care, however, in a new much more supportive environment with no condemnation.

    Yes, as this new endeavor is unfolding, which has been confirmed several times to GO!  This is a new part of ministry in this journey in my little life.  More information about the mission trips to come will be forthcoming in ministry updates. However, where I will be going may need to be confidential given the nature of some places being extremely hostile to the message of the Gospel and truth. The idea of this new level of trusting Jesus Christ for everything once again isn't necessarily a new path, but after decades and going into my senior years embracing a renewed call into foreign missions work is a BIG new journey. It is time to GO, even to places that may have seemed off-limits to me before.  What a journey!

"Say to Stephen ‘Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you may fulfill it.’” (Col. 4:17 personalized)


Coram Deo Ministries is the vision, mission, and calling of Stephen Black, Pastor, Author, Speaker, Ordained Minister, and Missionary with IMF.


JUST RELEASED: CLICK HERE: December 2023 - New E-News Email Blast - 12-6-2023

and the (New December 2023 Ministry Update Letter)





Stephen Black has been providing pastoral care, coaching of leadership, equipping, empowerment, and education to the church in God's divine intent for human sexuality "Imago Dei" for over 35 years, primarily in the United States, but also in Mexico, Canada and Latin America. Ordained in the local church over 32 years ago, and with International Ministerial Fellowship since 1994. Stephen has served on several ministerial non-profit boards to provide leadership and coaching on vision and ministry in promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ worldwide. Stephen is a pastor, author, and speaker equipping the church on sexual and relational sin and brokenness, helping understand the root causes of LGBTQ+ issues, and promoting the Biblical resolution for transformation in the amazing grace of God. Stephen has provided leadership as an elder in several ministries and churches over the last 35 years. He is now leading up Coram Deo Ministries as his offering of ministering as a missionary in serving the body of Christ into his senior years.

Further detailed ministry announcements will be forthcoming in the next two months.  Please fill out the CONTACT FORM to receive updates. For more details on Stephen, go to the About tab.

At this time, Stephen will be meeting individuals, couples and families at his church's facilities, in new offices for Coram Deo Ministries, located at First Southern Baptist Church at 6400 S. Sooner Road, Oklahoma City, OK 73135, to set up an appointment, please use the CONTACT FORM.

Please consider making a DONATION to this new ministry launch.

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Click here for a more thorough Biblical understanding of the theological teaching of "Coram Deo".